Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August already?

I have gotten so far away from writing that I had forgotten I had even started this! Just came back from our early morning swim at Lumsden's Dam at 6:30. A glorious morning with mist shivering on the surface. The moon and the sun both competing for a presence over the mist.There were nine of us today and ten if you counted the beaver! Home for some  yogurt and homemade granola and then off to yoga with my friend Melinda who is a lovely calming instructor. I asked her to come and do a yoga practice here at the house one morning when you are all here. She said she would love to so what do you all think? Maybe it could even be women's only!
After yoga I popped into the Rolled Oat, my favourite little local eatery and Amanda had a gluten free rhubarb strawberry muffin ready for me. Over to Home Hardware to order more fencing lumber for Mke , arrange for the rest of the flooring to be delivered and then promptly left the store leaving my repaired screen at the desk. Sure enough, I arrive home to a phone call ..." Hey Libby, it's Tammy forgot your screen." Love it.
So today I am making an effort to get as much outdoor work done as I can as it is intensely hot . High of 30 with humidity levels I don't even want to know about. Spreadng mulch on a new garden out front, finish planting plants I   got for 75% off, ( I prefer to call it a rescue mission) finish spreading  the last of the top soil load on the front lawn and seed it as it is really rough. Hard to cut becasue of the all the holes and the predominant weed population. Also hoping to finish primng some OSB boards I picked up at Home Depot yesterday so that I can finally get a 'big girl' bed  - off the floor! The smell of the glue in the wood is overwhelming so hopefully the primer will temper that and seal it.
I have a batch of dried clover finishing for tea this winter. My friend Janene and I harvested a nce batch  down at Grand Pre when we went swimming in the ocean last evenng. It is the location for some of the endangered pipng plovers and other shore birds to land. The sunlight at that time was magical in the way it transformed the colour of the grasses all along the shore. The birds were fantastic to watch as they dip, split the flock and rejoin wth Olympic synchronization. The water was great,  but tricky to navigate as you have to swim through the grasses at high tide and try to find a channel that exists but that can only be seem at low tide. It was like swimming with eels! We were joined by the naturalist at Blomidon. A fascinating woman who I am getting to know and tomorrow we are joning her on a botany hke looking at native medicinal plants.  From there I will head to afternoon knitting at Gaspereau Fibres. Ahh,  too few hours in the day!
So pitter patter...time to get back outskde and fnish todays's tasks before the market at 5:00. Hmmm...I wonder who the musicians will be  tonght?